By han, 16 September, 2022

A Butterfly once fell in love with a beautiful Rose.

The Rose was not indifferent, for the Butterfly's   wings   were   powdered   in   a charming pattern of gold and silver.

And so, when  he  fluttered  near  and  told  how  he loved  her,  she  blushed  rosily  and  said  yes.

By han, 16 September, 2022

There was once a Cat who was so watchful, that  a  Mouse  hardly  dared  show  the  tip  of his  whiskers  for  fear  of  being  eaten  alive. That Cat seemed to be  everywhere at once with his claws all ready for a pounce.

At last the Mice kept so closely to their dens, that the  Cat  saw  he  would  have  to  use  his  wits well to catch one.

By han, 16 September, 2022

Two  goatsfrisking  gayly  on  the  rocky steeps  of  a mountain  valleychanced  to meet,  one  on  each  side  of  a  deep  chasm through  which  poured  a  mighty  mountain torrent.

By han, 16 September, 2022

The  fox  invited  the  crane  to  dinner  and served the meal on a plate. The crane could pick up nothing with his long beak, and the fox  ate  everything  herself. 

Next  day  the crane invited the fox and served dinner in a jug with a narrow neck.

The fox could not get  her  muzzle  into  the  jug,  but  the  crane stuck his long neck in and drank everything himself.

By han, 16 September, 2022

Once upon a time there lived a cloth merchant in a village with his wife and two children.

They were indeed quite well-off. They had a beautiful hen which laid an egg everyday.

It was not an ordinary egg, rather, a golden egg. But the man was not satisfied with what he used to get daily. He was a get rich-trice kind of a person.

By han, 16 September, 2022

One bright day in late autumn a family of Ants were bustling about in the warm sunshine, drying out the grain they had stored up during the summer, when a starving Grasshopper, his fiddle under his arm, came up and humbly begged for a bite to eat.

By han, 16 September, 2022

IT happened that a Fox caught its tail in a trap, and in struggling to release himself lost all of it but the stump.

At first he was ashamed to show himself among his fellow foxes.

But at last he determined to put a bolder face upon his misfortune, and summoned all the foxes to a general meeting to consider a proposal which he had to place before them.

By han, 16 September, 2022

The Woodman was in despair. The axe was all  he  possessed  with  which  to  make  a living, and he had not money enough to buy a new one.
As he stood wringing his hands and  weeping,  the  god  Mercury  suddenly appeared  and  asked  what  the  trouble  was.
The Woodman told what had happened, and straightway the kind Mercury dived into the pool.
When he came up again he held a wonderful golden axe.

By han, 16 September, 2022

The Lion and the Fox went hunting together. The Lion, on the advice of the Fox, sent a message to the Ass, proposing to make an alliance between their two families.
The Ass came to the place of meeting, overjoyed at the prospect of a royal alliance.But when he came there the Lion simply pounced on the Ass, and said to the Fox: "Here is our dinner for today.Watch you here while I go and have a nap. Woe betide you if you touch my prey."

By han, 16 September, 2022

"Away  with  you,  vile  insect!"  said  a  Lion angrily  to  a  Gnat  that  was  buzzing  around his head.
But the Gnat was not in the least disturbed.
"Do  you  think,"  he said  spitefully  to  the Lion, "that I am afraid of you because they call you king?"
The  next  instant  he  flew  at  the  Lion  and stung  him  sharply  on  the  nose.